Went to Sea World on Saturday the 19th with Joe. My room mate Marshall had extra complementary passes that he got from Roger Lear of Lear and Associates.
If you ever go to Sea World, and you don’t like the shows too much, just ride on Kraken over and over and over again. Its a wild thrill of a roller coaster and the wait is like 2 minutes, or 5 to 6 minutes if you’re waiting to be in the front of the coaster.
Yesterday (Sunday) I came into work to use my computer that I either have to bring in every day, or leave here for convienence. I was supposed to meet with Howard Saddler over the weekend, on Saturday, however I never called him because I was busy at Sea World. My phone was dead, so that was a factor, but this is just another example of how I’m not responsible at times.
Yesterday when I came in to use my computer I did however get their website started - Diabetes Relief.
I’m going to meet up with Howard after work today more than likely, apologize for not calling him over the weekend, no excuse for my cell phone being dead (I could have use another phone), and go over a design for this site with some crafty suggestions, and resolve the email issue he’s having on the computer in his office.